
Our Care Services

The overall aim of the service is to enable people to lead safe and fulfilling lives with positive outcomes. Healey Care Ltd. offer flexible and high quality person centred support in a stimulating and comfortable environment. We will promote self-fulfilment and support each person to develop new skills to meet to their potential. We will listen to the people we support and act on what they tell us. We will use the information people tell us about how we can make improvements to develop the service and to guide future service delivery. We will provide ‘just enough support’ so the person is not de-skilled and we will provide this support in the way the individual wants it or in their best interest where they cannot self-direct their own support

"flexible and high quality person centred support in a stimulating and comfortable environment"



Day Service

Supported Living



As part of the services we offer, we are required to process personal data about our staff, our service users and, in some instances, the friends or relatives of our service users and staff. For more information click Privacy Notice