Supported Living

We provide 24 hour staff support to tenants age eighteen and over with learning disabilities and who live in their own home. We enable people to live in the community in accordance with their own lifestyle and with independence, safety and respect.

We currently provide support in tenancies in Heywood, Bury, Rochdale & Rossendale area.

We provide support to tenants with a wide variety of additional needs, which include, mental health issues, sensory impairment, autism and behaviour that is considered to be a challenge to services. Staff work closely with other agencies to ensure each tenant receives a quality needs led service.

There are managers and senior staff on duty at all times throughout the wider service as a point of contact for advice if required.
The registered manager or team leader is available for out of hour’s emergencies.

  1. The aims of the agency
    We offer a flexible, high quality person centred service to enable individuals to maintain their tenancy and live in their own home, and improve the quality of their life.
  2. The object of the agency: The key objectives of supported living are to enhance the quality of life for tenants enabling individuals to maintain their dignity, freedom of choice and their rights to privacy. We support people to live as valued and contributing members of their community, thus enabling the opportunity for mutually rewarding relationships to be formed.
  3. Philosophy of careThe support we provide is driven by the needs, abilities and aspirations of the people we provide a service to; we recognise that this focus can slip and we will remain vigilant to ensure that the service, its policies and its activities, remain tenant-led.
  4. Our support staff will:
    • Ensure that a person has the opportunity to gain new experiences and engage in meaningful activities with whatever assistance is required.
    • Respect people’s individual’s wishes and needs, whilst ensuring that people are able to exercise their rights
    • Ensure that people have a valued place among a network of people and valued roles in the community life.
    • Recognise the individuality and uniqueness of each person, thus ensuring that opportunities exist for individuals self – expression and autonomy.
    • Support people to take an active role in decision making processes
  5. We are registered with CQC to provide Personal Care


We will ensure that our support workers are trained, supervised and supported to provide a range of support and where required, personal care services for people with learning disabilities in order to meet their individual needs.

Each tenant will have a person centred plan which will identify their individual personal care requirements and daily routines

Staff that provide personal care services will have their practice guided by values, and will;

• Encourage individuals to express their choice of where, when, how and by whom they receive their personal care.
• Ensure the dignity of the individual is given high priority when any aspect of personal care is provided.
• Endeavour to form good working relationships with individuals in order to establish mutual trust.
• Enable tenants to care for themselves wherever possible
• Provide personal care in such a way that meets the personal, emotional and cultural values of an individual as well as their physical needs


As part of the services we offer, we are required to process personal data about our staff, our service users and, in some instances, the friends or relatives of our service users and staff. For more information click Privacy Notice